Wahr oder falsch? 5 Fitness Mythen im Check
Fitness Gesundheit Sicherheit

True or false? 5 fitness myths checked

True or false? Fat burning does not start after 30 minutes, 100 sit-ups a day alone are not enough for a six-pack, targeted fat loss...

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Motivation im Herbst
Fitness Gesundheit Trainingspläne

Fall motivation

Stay motivated in bad weather: set smaller goals, find a training buddy, think about rewards, move activities indoors, ignore doubts, use short windows of time...

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Das 1x1 des Radfahrens
Abnehmen Gesundheit Heimtrainer

The 1x1 of cycling

Useful knowledge about cycling. Find out what your bike can do and how it affects your fitness.

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Expertentipps Rudern - Tipps & Tricks der Experten
Gesundheit Produktberatung Rudern Trainingspläne

Expert tips rowing - tips & tricks from the experts

What does the perfect rowing technique look like, which diet is recommended for endurance training and how do you optimally control your load?

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Das 1x1 des Ruderns
Fitness Produktberatung Rudern

The 1x1 of rowing

Rowing has a long tradition. In the past, various rowing techniques were used to cross bodies of water or cover longer distances on rivers. In...

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Das 1x1 des Laufens
Laufen Produktberatung

The 1x1 of running

Have you already got the running bug? Find tips & tricks, interesting information about running. What stretches shouldn't you forget? Before you run, think of...

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Expertentipps Laufen - Tipps & Tricks der Experten
Fitness Gesundheit Laufen Produktberatung

Expert tips for running - tips & tricks from the experts

Experts put together tips for healthy training, give you stretching exercises that prevent typical injuries or have great nutrition tips that bring you closer to...

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