Von Energy-Drinks bis Proteinshakes: Sind Fitnessgetränke gesund?
Abnehmen Ernährung essen Superfoods

From energy drinks to protein shakes: are fitness drinks healthy?

Fitness drinks are common in today's society and are often viewed as a quick and easy way to fuel the body. However, it is important...

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Valentinstag mal anders: Ideen für ein sportliches Date
Ernährung essen

Valentine's Day with a difference: ideas for a sporty date

Valentine's Day is a day when we celebrate our love and affection for each other. Traditionally, we often spend this day with a romantic dinner...

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Superfoods für Kraftsportler: Was Sie essen sollten und warum
Ernährung Superfoods

Superfoods for Strength Athletes: What You Should Eat and Why

Superfoods have become a popular topic in recent years, especially among athletes and athletes. These special foods are rich in nutrients and offer a variety...

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Gesunde Ideen für ein Silvester Buffet
Ernährung essen Silvester Winter

Healthy ideas for a New Year's Eve buffet

New Year's Eve is a celebration of enjoyment. But if you want to feel fit and healthy in the new year, you should be careful...

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Weihnachten: So genießen Sie die Festtage ohne schlechtes Gewissen
Ernährung essen Weihnachten

Christmas: How to enjoy the festive season without a guilty conscience

The Christmas season is just around the corner and with it the time for feasting. Goose, turkey, dumplings, cookies and more - it's that time...

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10 Wege und Übungen wie du dich im Home-Office fit hältst
Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness Gesundheit gründe Home Office Krafttraining Laufen Sicherheit Verletzung vorsätze

10 ways to keep fit while working from home

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. However, it can also cause you to move less and be less active....

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500 Kalorien verbrennen: Wie lange dauert das?
Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness

Burn 500 Calories: How Long Does It Take?

You want to burn 500 calories? Then you have to schedule almost 1 hour of training time for most sporting activities.

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Weihnachtskilos loswerden: Sportlich ins neue Jahr
Abnehmen Ernährung Gesundheit

Get rid of Christmas kilos: Sporty in the new year

In the Christmas season you certainly feasted and nibbled properly. The receipt was on the scales. Of course, it's no drama, but December, with its...

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