Fit werden ohne Fitnessstudio: So erstellst du den perfekten Trainingsplan für deinen Heimtrainer
Heimtrainer Trainingspläne

Get fit without a gym: How to create the perfect training plan for your exercise bike

The exercise bike There are many benefits to exercising at home. It's convenient, inexpensive, and you don't have to worry about gym etiquette. However, to...

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Der ultimative Leitfaden für Anfänger im Unterkörpertraining: Die besten Übungen für Oberschenkel, Hamstrings und Gesäßmuskulatur. Mit Trainingsplan!

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Lower Body Training: The Best Exercises for Hamstrings, Hamstrings, and Glutes. With training plan!

So, you've made the bold decision to transform your fitness this year. Congratulations! If you've already seen my beginner upper body workout video, you know...

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Fit und gesund im Home-Office: 5-Tage-Trainingsplan mit Übungen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
Abnehmen Fitness Gesundheit Home Office Trainingspläne

Fit and healthy in the home office: 5-day training plan with exercises for beginners and advanced users

The article is about an exercise plan for the home office that was developed by SportPlus. The plan is intended to help you stay fit...

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Anfängertraining an der Kraftstation: Was du beachten solltest
Fitness Gesundheit Krafttraining Sicherheit Trainingspläne Verletzung

Beginner training at the multi-gym: What you should pay attention to

A multi-gym is a versatile training device that allows you to train your muscles effectively and efficiently. However, if you are a beginner, there are...

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Trainingspläne für Kraftstationen: Für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Profis
Fitness Krafttraining Sicherheit Trainingspläne

Multi-gym training plans: For beginners, advanced users and professionals

Strength training is an effective way to build muscle mass, increase strength and improve overall fitness. Multi-gyms offer a great way to do effective strength...

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Trainingspläne für Heimtrainer
Crosstrainer Fitness Heimtrainer Trainingspläne

Exercise bike training plans

Exercise bike training plans Goal: Building basic endurance, improving general fitness, avoiding injuries Scope: 2-3 training sessions per week, 30-45 minutes per session Intensity: Moderate,...

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Functional Training Übungen: So bleibst du rundum fit!
Abnehmen Fitness Trainingspläne

Functional training exercises: This is how you stay fit!

Functional training is a new trend. Find out now what the concept behind it is and what exercises you can use to benefit from functional...

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Falsch trainieren: Kein Verletzungsrisiko eingehen
Fitness Trainingspläne Verletzung

Train wrong: Don't take the risk of injury

A lot helps a lot? This is not always the case! In this article you will learn how to dose your training correctly.

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Motivation im Herbst
Fitness Gesundheit Trainingspläne

Fall motivation

Stay motivated in bad weather: set smaller goals, find a training buddy, think about rewards, move activities indoors, ignore doubts, use short windows of time...

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