Walking pads from SportPlus

So that you reach your 10,000 steps every day...

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Höhenverstellbarer Schreibtisch mit 2-Fach-Teleskop SP-AT-100 SportPlus Schwarz

Desk with adjustable height

229,99 €

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Höhenverstellbarer Schreibtisch mit 3-Fach-Teleskop SP-AT-500 SportPlus Schwarz

Desk with adjustable height

289,99 €

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Mini Heimtrainer / Beintrainer mit App-Kompatibilität SP-HT-0001-iE SportPlus Black/Sun

Mini exercise bike / leg trainer with app compatibility

119,99 €

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Walkingband bis 6 km/h mit App-Kompatibilität SP-TM-1100-iE SportPlus Schwarz

Walking band up to 6 km/h with app compatibility

299,99 €

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Deskbike: Klappbarer Beintrainer für den Schreibtisch SP-DB-1006 SportPlus

Deskbike: Foldable leg trainer for the desk

149,99 €

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Your way to 10,000 steps with the Walking Pad

The walking band is the perfect device for being active in your everyday life. 10,000 steps are no longer a problem

Are you a big fan of jogging? No wonder, because jogging is one of the most popular sports ever. And for a good reason! You can use many muscle groups and simply start running to start your training.

But hey, running in the fresh air also has its disadvantages, right? When it rains or is extremely hot or cold, pleasant jogging quickly becomes torture. And complicated surfaces can make life really difficult. Do you know that, too?

And how annoying is it when, for example, you're walking in the city and constantly have to stop at a traffic light? This can be really frustrating. This is why training on the treadmill is so popular.

Here you can train under constant conditions and always keep track of your progress. The best thing about it is that you are completely independent of weather influences. Especially in the cold season, that's a real argument for pushing your training further and further ahead, right?

But, you know what? We will now take a closer look at the differences between the different types of treadmills. You will also find out which muscles are used and how many calories you can burn during running training. And of course we will also tell you what things you should definitely pay attention to before you buy a treadmill.

So, let’s dive in and discover all the important information about treadmills!

Treadmill training

These differences in equipment exist when YOU train!

Basically, all treadmills work on the same principle: A running surface (usually made of non-slip rubber material) is set in motion by a motor that determines the speed. The tread moves in a circle like a conveyor belt. YOU must therefore always walk forward so that YOU are not pushed backwards by the conveyor belt.

But there are many more differences that vary with each treadmill model. Let's take a closer look:

Size of the tread

Only one person can train on a treadmill at a time - no matter how large the running surface is. However, there are some models that are particularly long and wide. Training on such treadmills is much more pleasant.

Of course, the treadmill should also fit your space needs. You don't have to choose a tread that is too large if you don't need it. At SportPlus, for example, in addition to classic treadmills, we also offer a space-saving walking machine on which you can walk up to 6 km/h. Discover the practical, space-saving and at the same time effective alternative to the conventional treadmill.

#38 Fernbedienung für Walkingband SP-TM-1006 SportPlus Ersatzteile

Engine performance

The power of the motor determines the speed at which you can move on the treadmill. The more powerful the engine, the faster you can run. This increases the flexibility of your training and is therefore initially advantageous.

But be sure to pay attention to whether the engine power is declared as “maximum power” or “continuous power.” Ultimately, the engine can only maintain continuous power at all times. A continuous output of 1.75 hp or more is recommended. Speed ​​is probably even more important than horsepower. You probably won't need more than 20 km/h when training on the treadmill. However, the horsepower number not only indicates how powerful the engine is, but also allows conclusions to be drawn about its service life. A powerful motor tends to last longer than a weaker one because it never needs to be operated at full power to reach speed.

By the way, at SportPlus we have made sure that our treadmill motors run as quietly as possible so that noise pollution is minimal.

Anpassung der Steigung

Neben der Geschwindigkeit kannst du auch die Intensität deines Trainings auf dem Laufband über die Steigung der Lauffläche variieren. Es gibt zwei Arten der Steigungsanpassung: manuell und elektrisch. Bei unseren Walking Pads kannst du die Steigung nicht verstellen, allerdings haben wir unser Holz Laufband, wo du dir eine Steigung bis 12% einstellen kannst.

Elektrische Steigungsanpassung:

Bei der elektrischen Steigungsanpassung kannst du das Training fortsetzen, ohne es zu unterbrechen, um Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Außerdem kannst du die gewünschte Steigung viel genauer einstellen, teilweise sogar fast stufenlos.

  • SportPlus Laufband aus Eichenholz SP-TM-2000-iE mit App-Kompatibiltät
  • elektrische Steigungsverstellung bis 12%
  • leiser 2,0 PS Brushless BrHochleistungsmotor

Manuelle Steigungsanpassung:

Beim manuellen System musst du die Steigung per Hand einstellen. Du musst schon vor dem Training festlegen, mit welcher Einstellung du trainieren möchtest. Um die Steigung zu verändern, musst du jedes Mal vom Laufband absteigen.

Training computer & display

The heart of today's treadmills is the training computer. Most treadmills have a computer with a display on which you can read the most important training metrics:

  • Duration of training
  • speed
  • pitch
  • distance traveled
  • calories burned

Some devices also measure your current heart rate. However, measuring using hand sensors is rather impractical on the treadmill because it interrupts the training. That's why many treadmill computers can be combined with chest straps that allow you to measure your heart rate while running.

Walkingband bis 6 km/h mit App-Kompatibilität SP-TM-1100-iE SportPlus
Walkingband bis 6 km/h mit App-Kompatibilität SP-TM-1100-iE SportPlus

Some training computers not only provide information about the intensity of your workout, but can also be used to program it
trainings are used.

There are often ready-made “routes” that you can run. On these training routes, the incline and speed are smoothly adjusted.

So now you know the differences between treadmills and what to look for when choosing a treadmill for your workout.

Train properly on the treadmill – this is how it works!

Hey, want to get the most out of your treadmill workout? Then it's not just the equipment that's important, but above all the way you train. A big advantage of training on the treadmill is that you can keep the conditions very constant.

In contrast to training with a fitness bike, cross trainer or rowing machine, where you have to maintain a constant intensity (revolutions, steps or strokes), the treadmill always moves at the set speed. This means there are no strong fluctuations in the load, unless you want to do this as part of interval training.

In connection with training on the treadmill, the following questions often arise: What is the point of treadmill training? How fast and with what load should you train? How often and for how long should you train? Which special functions should you use? Don't worry, we'll answer these common questions for you and give you valuable tips on using your treadmill so that you can get the most out of this useful training device!

Condition & calories

That’s how effective treadmill training is

The effectiveness of training on the treadmill mainly depends on the set speed and incline. The calorie consumption can therefore only be estimated and is between 400 and 600 kcal per hour during medium exercise.

When running, the leg muscles in particular are stressed, but many other muscles are also activated to enable your movement on the band. The core muscles in particular benefit from this and the shoulder area is also active due to the pendulum movement of the arms.

How fast do you train and with what load?

This question cannot be answered in general terms because your fitness level, your height and your stride length play an important role.

Danger! Since indoor running offers different conditions than running outdoors, you should not base your speed setting on your outdoor running pace. Without the refreshing headwind, you increase your load more quickly. So don't start too quickly!

Treadmill training is ideal for building your endurance. You can train either in the aerobic or anaerobic range. However, you have to find out for yourself what level of stress puts you in each area.

Aerob auf dem Laufband trainieren

Beim aeroben Training verbrauchst du nicht mehr Sauerstoff, als du parallel aufnimmst. Du gerätst also nicht "aus der Puste". Diese Trainingsform ist hilfreich, wenn du lange trainieren möchtest, z.B. um deine Fettverbrennung anzukurbeln, und um deine Grundlagenausdauer zu verbessern.

Anaerob auf dem Laufband trainieren

Beim anaeroben Training verbrauchst du hingegen mehr Sauerstoff, als du parallel aufnehmen kannst. Dabei geht dein Körper eine sogenannte "Sauerstoffschuld" ein. Nach dem Training musst du noch einige Male schneller und tiefer einatmen, um den Sauerstoffgehalt wieder auf das normale Niveau zu bringen. Beim anaeroben Ausdauertraining steigt dein Puls deutlich an. Damit verbesserst du deine Herzleistung (Cardiotraining) und steigerst deine Ausdauer unter hoher Belastung. Natürlich verbrennst du dabei auch Kalorien, aber du wirst die Anstrengung nicht so lange aushalten können wie beim aeroben Training.

Fazit: Beide Trainingsformen haben ihre Daseinsberechtigung und sollten abwechselnd durchgeführt werden, um ein vielseitiges Training sicherzustellen. Eine beliebte Methode zur Belastungssteuerung ist das Intervall-Training, bei dem sich aerobe und anaerobe Phasen abwechseln.

Varied treadmill training thanks to special functions

Training on the treadmill is practical, effective and easy to do. So that the training doesn't become too monotonous, you should add some variety after a while. Interval training measures help make the workout more challenging and exciting. A new option that is becoming more and more widespread are special apps that simulate running on real routes. This means training never gets boring. If that's not for you, you can of course also use an MP3 player with headphones to listen to your favorite songs or an exciting audio book while training. This turns regular training into an entertaining one

If you follow these tips, you'll get the most out of treadmill training and make great progress. Have fun training and stay fit!

What should you pay attention to when buying treadmills?

Hey, before you buy a new treadmill, let's take a closer look at what you should pay attention to. Ultimately, you want to find the perfect treadmill for you.

Your height and weight

Your height plays a role when it comes to the dimensions of the treadmill. Make sure the running surface has enough space, especially if you have a long stride. You should also keep an eye on your body weight. Take a look at the manufacturer's information, because every device has a maximum load limit that you should take into account in order not to impair functionality.

Treadmill equipment

When it comes to the differentiating features, we have already discussed some aspects of the equipment, such as engine performance. Here are other factors that are important when it comes to general equipment:

  • Handles and storage areas: Handles and areas where you can place drinks, your cell phone, towels, etc. are practical.
  • Non-slip tread: The tread should be as non-slip as possible to prevent accidents. However, make sure you have the right footwear.
  • Easy to store: Since treadmills are quite large, we recommend folding models that can be stored to save space. Transport wheels are also useful for moving the treadmill easily.

Functional scope and training programs

The more often you train on the treadmill, the more settings and training options you probably want. Most treadmills allow you to adjust not only the speed but also the incline. Electric incline adjustment is more comfortable, but a little more expensive. At SportPlus we offer both manual and electric adjustment models.

Make sure the treadmill has a training computer to track your progress and make success measurable. If you can select training programs or configure them yourself, your workout on the treadmill becomes even more versatile. Our SportPlus treadmills offer 24 integrated training programs that you can choose from. This means you can add variety to your fitness training on the treadmill every day.