We count on the people in our production chains and stand up for them.

Trade with purpose

amfori BSCI

We are a member of amfori BSCI. This is an industry initiative committed to improving social standards in global supply chains.

Find out more about Amfori BSCI

What amfori BSCI offers


For a better environment

Solutions that enable companies to understand and improve environmental performance and mitigate environmental risks in their supply chain - contributing to better business performance.

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For better working conditions

Solutions that enable companies to monitor and improve the working conditions of people along their supply chain - contributing to greater business success.

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Commitment to sustainable business

Solutions that enable companies to meet a range of good governance expectations and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices - contributing to better business performance.

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With globally valid standards, the unparalleled involvement of all relevant interest groups and the support of well-known companies as well as recognized independent environmental and social organizations, FSC is considered the most credible solution for sustainable forestry.

Find out more about FSC

Forests, forever, for everyone

Forest Stewardship Council

What does FSC offer?

FSC in the forest

Certification for forestry operations

An FSC forest certification confirms that the management practices of a certified forestry company meet the requirements of the FSC. Based on the FSC principles and criteria, the German FSC standard specifies these requirements, for example social and ecological criteria. The most important regulations in the FSC forest are briefly explained here.

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FSC certification & advertising

From forest to sustainable product

There are two different certification models in the FSC system: forest certificates and chain of custody certificates (also CoC certificates for chain of custody). Manufacturers and traders of FSC-certified wood and paper products receive chain of custody certificates.

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FSC and its effects

Questions and studies

Given the growing pressure on the world's forests and the increasing demand for indisputable evidence of the positive impact of FSC certification, it is crucial to be able to clearly communicate the consequences of certification. In addition, it is important for FSC to understand the impact of FSC certification on site.

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