10 Wege und Übungen wie du dich im Home-Office fit hältst
Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness Gesundheit gründe Home Office Krafttraining Laufen Sicherheit Verletzung vorsätze

10 ways to keep fit while working from home

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. However, it can also cause you to move less and be less active....

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Anfängertraining an der Kraftstation: Was du beachten solltest
Fitness Gesundheit Krafttraining Sicherheit Trainingspläne Verletzung

Beginner training at the multi-gym: What you should pay attention to

A multi-gym is a versatile training device that allows you to train your muscles effectively and efficiently. However, if you are a beginner, there are...

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Trainingspläne für Kraftstationen: Für Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Profis
Fitness Krafttraining Sicherheit Trainingspläne

Multi-gym training plans: For beginners, advanced users and professionals

Strength training is an effective way to build muscle mass, increase strength and improve overall fitness. Multi-gyms offer a great way to do effective strength...

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Ausdauertraining ab welchem Alter? Das ist bei Kindern & Jugendlichen zu beachten!
Fitness Gesundheit Sicherheit

Endurance training from what age? This is important for children and young people!

Many parents are worried that their children will have too much fun with their smartphone or game console and won't be out in the fresh...

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Wahr oder falsch? 5 Fitness Mythen im Check
Fitness Gesundheit Sicherheit

True or false? 5 fitness myths checked

True or false? Fat burning does not start after 30 minutes, 100 sit-ups a day alone are not enough for a six-pack, targeted fat loss...

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