Training ohne Ergebnis? So findest du den Weg zurück zum Erfolg
Fitness Gesundheit Krafttraining ruhe vorsätze

Training without results? This is how you find your way back to success

You can be patient and ultra-consistent with what you're doing, but if your overall plan doesn't meet these seven conditions, you simply won't see the...

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10 Gründe, warum 2024 das perfekte Jahr ist, um mit deinem eigenen Sportgerät abzunehmen
Abnehmen Fitness Gesundheit gründe vorsätze

10 reasons why 2024 is the perfect year to lose weight with your own exercise equipment

We know you're planning on losing weight after the holidays. This is a great decision! We're here to help you find a workout program that's...

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Die besten Übungen für einen gesunden Rücken
Gesundheit Rudergerät rudergeräte Rudern test

The best exercises for a healthy back

A healthy back is important for a fulfilling life. It allows us to move freely without feeling pain. Unfortunately, the back is also a very...

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Inversionsbank: Was ist das und was bringt es?
Fitness Gesundheit gründe Inversionsbank Verletzung

The inversion bench: what is it and what does it do?

An inversion bench is an exercise machine that places the spine in an inverted position. This reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs and strengthens...

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Fit und gesund im Home-Office: 5-Tage-Trainingsplan mit Übungen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
Abnehmen Fitness Gesundheit Home Office Trainingspläne

Fit and healthy in the home office: 5-day training plan with exercises for beginners and advanced users

The article is about an exercise plan for the home office that was developed by SportPlus. The plan is intended to help you stay fit...

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10 Wege und Übungen wie du dich im Home-Office fit hältst
Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness Gesundheit gründe Home Office Krafttraining Laufen Sicherheit Verletzung vorsätze

10 ways to keep fit while working from home

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. However, it can also cause you to move less and be less active....

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Anfängertraining an der Kraftstation: Was du beachten solltest
Fitness Gesundheit Krafttraining Sicherheit Trainingspläne Verletzung

Beginner training at the multi-gym: What you should pay attention to

A multi-gym is a versatile training device that allows you to train your muscles effectively and efficiently. However, if you are a beginner, there are...

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Ausdauertraining ab welchem Alter? Das ist bei Kindern & Jugendlichen zu beachten!
Fitness Gesundheit Sicherheit

Endurance training from what age? This is important for children and young people!

Many parents are worried that their children will have too much fun with their smartphone or game console and won't be out in the fresh...

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Maximalpuls ermitteln: Welche Herzfrequenz beim Training?
Fitness Gesundheit Laufen

Determine maximum heart rate: What heart rate during training?

How strenuous can your training be? Learn everything about your maximum heart rate and the optimal heart rate range for your workout!

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