10 Gründe, warum 2024 das perfekte Jahr ist, um mit deinem eigenen Sportgerät abzunehmen
Abnehmen Fitness Gesundheit gründe vorsätze

10 reasons why 2024 is the perfect year to lose weight with your own exercise equipment

We know you're planning on losing weight after the holidays. This is a great decision! We're here to help you find a workout program that's...

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Inversionsbank: Was ist das und was bringt es?
Fitness Gesundheit gründe Inversionsbank Verletzung

The inversion bench: what is it and what does it do?

An inversion bench is an exercise machine that places the spine in an inverted position. This reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs and strengthens...

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10 Wege und Übungen wie du dich im Home-Office fit hältst
Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness Gesundheit gründe Home Office Krafttraining Laufen Sicherheit Verletzung vorsätze

10 ways to keep fit while working from home

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. However, it can also cause you to move less and be less active....

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