Training ohne Ergebnis? So findest du den Weg zurück zum Erfolg

Training without results? This is how you find your way back to success


You can be patient and ultra-consistent with what you're doing, but if your overall plan doesn't meet these seven conditions, you simply won't see the results you want. There seem to be two types of people in the gym: those who make remarkable progress over time and those who simply don't make progress. Experience level doesn't matter because we all know that one person who has been going to the gym for years and honestly still looks kind of the same.

So if you're completely new to the gym, have been going for a few months or have set up your own home gym to achieve your fitness goals, let's find out why you're not seeing results in three simple points.

Define your goals

Before we can even talk about why you're not seeing results, we first need to clarify what we mean by "results." After all, we all come from different starting points, be it age, body fat percentage, socioeconomic status, or different goals (like losing body fat, building muscle, or increasing strength). Based on these factors, it will affect how realistic it would be for you to see results and how long it would take to notice progress.

No matter where you start and what goal you ultimately want to achieve, it is very important that you have a really good goal in mind. The road to success is paved with SMART goals and this is no exception in the area of ​​fitness. We'll explain each letter of the acronym and provide essential steps for creating clearly defined, achievable and motivating goals.

  • S stands for Specific. Forget the vague aspiration of “losing weight.” Instead, set your goal: "Reduce body fat to 15%." Specificity allows you to clearly see your success and track progress effectively.

  • M stands for Measurable. Numbers tell the story. Don't rely on the feeling of "being lighter." Set a measurable goal: "Reach 15% body fat within 6 months." Measuring progress provides feedback and fuels your motivation.

  • A stands for Attainable. Ambition is admirable, but unrealistic expectations lead to discouragement. Remember that portrayals on social media are often idealized. “Grow 10 pounds of muscle” might not be your reality. Choose a conservative but achievable goal: "Gain 5 pounds of muscle in 8 months." This paves the way for success, not disappointment.

  • R stands for Relevant. Choose a goal that aligns with your overall vision. "Achieving below 10% body fat" may be unrealistic or sustainable if you are currently overweight. First, aim for a healthy, achievable goal: "Reduce body fat to 20% in 3 months." Then progressively refine your goals as you achieve them.

  • T stands for Time-bound. Stick to your deadlines. Assign a realistic time frame: "Reduce body fat to 18% within 4 months." Set short-term goals while long-term ones promote a sustainable fitness lifestyle.

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a sprint. By setting SMART e-goals, you arm yourself with a roadmap to success and celebrate every step along the way.

Bonus tip: Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals as your journey unfolds. Adjust schedules, refine goals and celebrate victories, big and small. Fitness is a continuous process, and SMART goals are your tools to navigate it with clarity and purpose.

Continuity is important

Consistency is crucial for fitness. Whether it's workouts, nutrition or recovery, consistency is key. Here are some tips:

  • Workouts: Challenge yourself sufficiently during workouts. Choose a training frequency that fits your schedule and stick to it.

  • Nutrition: Prioritize whole foods, understand macronutrients, and find foods you enjoy. Consider meal plans if tracking isn't your thing.

  • Rest: Get enough sleep (7-8 hours), avoid caffeine before bed, and take rest days seriously.

The seven conditions for results

Now, let's address the seven conditions for results:

  1. Train every muscle group: Avoid an uneven body shape by balancing your training program.

  2. Proper Form: Learn good form in all exercises to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.

  3. Train close to exhaustion: understand RPE (reps in reserve) and challenge yourself appropriately.

  4. Progressive Overload: Continuously challenge yourself by adding weight, reps, or intensity.

  5. Protein diet: Prioritize protein for muscle building and satiety.

  6. Calories in, calories out: Understand the importance of a caloric deficit for fat loss.

  7. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep affects progress and appetite.

Remember, fitness is a long-term journey. Enjoy it, stay consistent and stay tuned. Subscribe to our newsletter for more informative content! 🏋️‍♂️💪 1 2 3

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