10 Wege und Übungen wie du dich im Home-Office fit hältst

10 ways to keep fit while working from home

Working from home is a great way to save time and money. However, it can also cause you to move less and be less active. This can lead to health problems such as obesity, back pain and muscle weakness. That's why it's important that you pay attention to your fitness even when working from home. In this blog post I will introduce you to 10 ways and exercises on how you can keep fit while working from home.

Get up if you have to make a phone call

Instead of sitting in a chair while talking on the phone, you can also use a walking band. This way you can move while on the phone and improve your fitness at the same time.

Product suggestion:

SportPlus walking band SP-TM-1006

SportPlus walking band SP-TM-1100-iE

Take breaks

Get up every 20-30 minutes and move around for a few minutes. For example, you can take a walk around the block, climb the stairs, or do some exercises.

Use your lunch break for exercise

Use your lunch break to do some exercise. For example, you can go to a gym, go for a jog, or do some exercises at home.

  • Squats

    Squats are a great exercise for the legs and butt.

  • pushups

    Push-ups are another great exercise for the arms and upper body.

  • plank

    The plank is an isometric exercise that works the entire body.

  • strain

    Stretching is important for preventing injuries and improving mobility.

  • yoga

    Yoga is a great way to strengthen and stretch the body.

Have a training plan
When you have a training plan, it's easier to stick with it. You can create a plan yourself or find one on our blog.

Find a training partner
Training with a partner is more fun and motivates you more. For example, you can train with a friend or a colleague.

Do strength training
Strength training is important for building and strengthening muscles. You can do strength training at home with a weight station or just with dumbbells.

Do endurance training
Endurance training is important to strengthen your cardiovascular system. You can do cardio training at home using a treadmill or stationary bike, or outside.

Stretching is important for relaxing your muscles and preventing injuries. You can stretch after training or in between.

Drink enough water
Water is important for your overall health and fitness. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Eat healthy
A healthy diet is important for your overall health and fitness. Make sure you eat enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

With these tips you can keep fit even when working from home. This is how you stay healthy and productive.

Abnehmen Ernährung Fitness Gesundheit gründe Home Office Krafttraining Laufen Sicherheit Verletzung vorsätze

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