Maximalpuls ermitteln: Welche Herzfrequenz beim Training?

Determine maximum heart rate: What heart rate during training?

Determine maximum pulse

The more strenuous the workout , the faster your heart has to beat in order to, among other things, deliver fresh oxygen to your muscles. Similar to an engine that has a red speed range, your heart also has a limit.

Heart rate is defined as the number of beats per minute. When you train hard, you approach a level of exertion called your maximum pulse or maximum heart rate. This is an individual value that varies from person to person and also depends on how you feel on the day.

Simple formulas are used to calculate the maximum pulse rate, but according to a statement by sports scientist Paul Schmidt-Hellinger, they are too imprecise. Nevertheless, they can provide guidance. In order to be able to estimate the degree of stress, you first have to be able to measure your pulse rate.

This is how the pulse rate is measured

In the late 1970s, the only way to reliably determine your pulse was to see a doctor. It wasn't until the 1980s that the first watch designed to measure heart rate came onto the market. Nowadays there are countless fitness gadgets with which you can do this on the side.

Most heart rate monitors measure the heartbeat very precisely using light beams. If you don't have a heart rate monitor at hand, you can also measure your heart rate on your neck. Here the pulse can be felt very well with 2-3 fingers. Time yourself for 15 seconds and count the beats. Then you multiply the result by 4 and get (approximately) your current heart rate.

What is meant by maximum pulse?

When training, you should train at around 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. As you get fitter, you may even be able to push yourself closer to your limit for a short period of time.

There are rules of thumb for men and women to determine the maximum pulse:

  • Men: 223 minus 0.9 * age in years
  • Women: 226 minus the age in years

It is important to remember that the pulse rate is different for every person. For example, if you naturally have a higher heart rate, you will have a higher maximum heart rate than the rule of thumb calculates. The most important thing is that you listen to your body and interpret the signs correctly.

As you can see: as you get older, your maximum heart rate decreases, and with it your maximum pulse. Doctors refer to this frequency as “intrinsic heart rate”. It decreases by an average of 0.7 to 1 beat per year of life. For example, if a 20-year-old has a maximum pulse of 200, a 40-year-old has an average of 180 beats per minute.

How can I find out my ideal heart rate range?

Just try it like this: Start your workout (e.g. with a rowing machine ) for ten minutes at a medium intensity level that you don't consider particularly demanding. Then you should train for about two minutes on the same exercise, but increase the speed.

Next, increase the intensity of the resistance, but train more slowly again for about 5 minutes. Then try to give full throttle again at this level for 1 minute. Then switch to easy mode again for 5 minutes and then finish your workout.

Now you need to take a look at your heart rate monitor. The evaluation will show you a few peaks because you have demanded different performance from your body. The last peak should be the highest and should be taken as a guideline for your maximum heart rate to be on the safe side.

Depending on the maximum heart rate, there are so-called heart rate zones that you can target to control your training:

  • At pulse rates of 50 to 60 percent of the maximum heart rate, you will find the training easy.
  • Between 60 and 70 percent you will feel a certain amount of effort. When you train with someone else, it's easier to talk. This zone is very effective for burning fat.
  • For effective fitness training, a rate of over 70 percent is recommended. If you are an experienced athlete, this is the zone you should aim for.
  • If you are over 80 percent of your maximum heart rate, you are in the performance range. You won't last long here and you shouldn't force it either.

By the way: Real high-performance athletes can get very close to their maximum level during competition (where the heart rate can be increased due to the pressure of performance). However, it is definitely not recommended for recreational athletes.

Maximum heart rate (HRmax) or actual maximum value (HRpeak)?

Your maximum heart rate (HRmax) will be at a different level every day under different loads. It can only be achieved theoretically. Since it is different every day, yesterday's value could still be exceeded if the load is higher today.

Experts therefore don't like to talk about the HFmax, but rather talk about HFpeak. This is the highest value during a workout and is therefore an indicator of what your body is capable of. If you don't reach this value or don't feel so good, you shouldn't try desperately to reach a certain heart rate.

Tip: Keep a training diary and monitor the progression of your peaks. This will give you a quick feel for when you start to feel a high level of stress and what heart rate range you should aim for during your training.

Conclusion: Don't overexert yourself and analyze carefully

Ultimately, it can be said that the maximum pulse cannot be calculated so easily and is more of a theoretical value. It is more important that you monitor your personal heart rate peaks over a longer period of time and base your training accordingly. After all, you won't and shouldn't reach your maximum value anyway.

Be sure to listen to your body and don't train doggedly based on numbers. How intense your workout can be also depends on your daily form, which is influenced by, among other things, your diet, your mood and daily sleep. Nevertheless, it is very interesting to deal with the maximum heart rate and you should definitely track your pulse in order to train effectively.

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