Strength training for beginners: How to get started successfully
In this day and age, it is more important than ever to pay attention to your health and fitness. One way to achieve this is...
Superfoods for Strength Athletes: What You Should Eat and Why
Superfoods have become a popular topic in recent years, especially among athletes and athletes. These special foods are rich in nutrients and offer a variety...
Strength training for women: Why it's worth lifting weights
In today's world, weightlifting is often viewed as a form of exercise that is primarily done by men. But more and more women are recognizing...
Strength training or cardio: which is more effective?
There are numerous forms of exercise in the fitness world, each with their own benefits and goals. Among the most popular and effective methods are...
Rest is the Best Medicine: How to Recover After a Hard Day of Training
Rest and regeneration are crucial to recharge the body after a hard day of training. The importance of recovery is often underestimated because the focus...
The best exercises and sports equipment for a flat stomach
In this blog post we will introduce you to the best exercises for a flat stomach. With these exercises you can specifically strengthen your abdominal...
Declare war on back pain in the home office
Back pain is a widespread suffering in our society today. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, lack of exercise,...
Walking instead of a coffee break: Why you should go for a walk more often when working from home
More and more people are working from home these days and spending most of their day in front of the computer. This often leads to...
10 tips on how to maintain your motivation
The new year has begun and many of us have set sporting resolutions. But how do we manage to achieve our sporting goals? Motivation is...