Krafttraining oder Cardio: Was ist effektiver?

Strength training or cardio: which is more effective?

Cardio cross trainer strength training weight bench

There are numerous forms of exercise in the fitness world, each with their own benefits and goals. Among the most popular and effective methods are strength training and cardio training. Both forms have different effects on the body and can support different goals. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at both types of training to find out which form is more effective.

Strength training and cardio are two fundamental pillars of a balanced fitness program. While strength training aims to increase muscle strength and promote muscle building, cardio training focuses on improving cardiovascular function and endurance. Both aspects are important for optimal physical fitness.


  • Strength training and cardio have different effects on the body.
  • Strength training burns more calories after a workout, while cardio burns more calories during a workout.
  • Strength training promotes muscle building, while cardio improves endurance.
  • Both forms of exercise are important for health and weight loss, but the choice depends on individual goals.

Strength training: what is it and how does it affect the body?

Strength training refers to exercises that apply resistance to muscles to strengthen and shape them. This can be done by using weights such as dumbbells or machines, or by using your own body weight in exercises such as push-ups or squats.

The effect of strength training on the body is diverse. On the one hand, it leads to an increase in muscle mass because micro-injuries occur in the muscle fibers during training, which are then repaired and strengthened during the regeneration phase. Additionally, strength training increases bone density, improves joint stability, and promotes better posture.

The benefits of strength training are numerous. In addition to improving physical performance, it also helps burn fat, as muscles consume more calories than fatty tissue. Strength training can also reduce the risk of injury because strong muscles can better protect the body.

Cardio: what is it and how does it affect the body?

Cardio training refers to exercises aimed at improving cardiovascular function and building endurance. Typical cardio exercises include running, cycling, swimming or even jumping rope.

The effect of cardio training on the body is primarily felt in the area of ​​the cardiovascular system. Regular exercise strengthens the heart and allows it to pump blood more efficiently. This leads to better oxygen supply to the entire body and increased endurance performance.

The benefits of cardio exercise are also many. In addition to improving heart health, regular cardio exercise can also help reduce stress and increase overall well-being. It also supports weight loss through increased calorie consumption during training.

Effectiveness of strength training and cardio compared

Numerous studies have been conducted to compare the effectiveness of strength training and cardio training. One of these studies, published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, examined the effects of both forms of exercise on calorie expenditure.

The results showed that cardio exercise had a higher calorie burn during the exercise itself. However, strength training resulted in an increased afterburn effect, where the body continues to burn more calories even after the workout. This is because muscles require more energy than fat tissue.

Another study from the "Journal of Applied Physiology" compared the effects of strength training and cardio training on muscle building. The results clearly showed that strength training was more effective at building muscle mass and increasing muscle strength.

So comparative studies like this show us that both strength training and cardio training have their own benefits and can be combined depending on individual goals.

Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which Form of Training Burns More Calories?

The connection between exercise and calorie consumption is an important consideration for many people who want to lose weight or maintain their weight. Both forms of training can help to achieve increased energy consumption.

Cardio exercise has a reputation as an effective calorie burner because it increases the heart rate and puts the body in a state where it needs more energy. So you burn a lot of calories during exercise. However, the calorie consumption also ends with the end of the training.

Strength training, on the other hand, has a lower direct calorie burn during the workout, but due to the afterburn effect, the body continues to burn more energy even after the workout. This is because muscles require more energy than fat tissue.

Overall, it can be said that cardio training leads to higher calorie consumption in the short term, while strength training is more effective in the long term due to the afterburn effect.

Strength training vs. cardio: Which form of training promotes muscle building?

Building muscle mass is a goal of many fitness enthusiasts and athletes. Both strength training and cardio training can help build muscle mass, but in different ways.

During strength training, the muscles are put under targeted strain, causing micro-injuries. During the subsequent regeneration phase, the body repairs these injuries and strengthens the muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to muscle growth.

Cardio training, on the other hand, is not aimed directly at building muscle. However, it may help indirectly by improving blood flow and oxygen transport to the muscles. This means the muscles are better supplied with nutrients and can work more efficiently.

Overall, it can be said that strength training is the more effective form of training to build muscle mass. However, it is important to note that a combination of both types of training is recommended for optimal results.

Strength training vs. cardio: Which form of training improves endurance?

Improving endurance performance is another goal of many athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Both strength training and cardio training can help increase endurance, but in different ways.

Cardio exercise is aimed directly at improving cardiovascular function, thereby increasing the body's ability to transport oxygen more efficiently. You can significantly increase your endurance capacity through regular cardio training.

Strength training, on the other hand, does not have the primary focus on improving endurance. However, it may contribute indirectly by strengthening certain muscle groups and thus providing better support for other activities.

Overall, it can be said that cardio training is more effective in improving overall endurance performance. However, a combination of both types of training should also be aimed for here.

Strength training vs. cardio: which form of training is better for your health?

Both strength training and cardio training have numerous health benefits. Both types of exercise can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Cardio exercise has a reputation for being particularly good for heart health. Regular endurance training strengthens the heart and allows it to pump blood more efficiently. This leads to better oxygenation throughout the body and a reduction in the risk of heart disease.

Strength training, on the other hand, helps improve body composition by promoting muscle building and reducing fat percentage. This, in turn, can reduce the risk of obesity and related diseases such as diabetes.

Overall, it can be said that both strength training and cardio training can make important contributions to overall health. A combination of both types of training is therefore recommended.

Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which Form of Training is Better for Weight Loss?

Weight loss is a common fitness goal for many people. Both strength training and cardio training can help burn calories and therefore contribute to weight loss.

Cardio training has a reputation for being an effective calorie burner during the workout itself. Increased heart rate and intense exercise burn a lot of calories. However, the calorie consumption also ends with the end of the training.

Strength training, on the other hand, has a lower direct calorie burn during the workout, but due to the afterburn effect, the body continues to burn more energy even after the workout. Building muscle also helps to increase the basal metabolic rate and thus burn more calories in the long term.

Overall, it can be said that a combination of strength training and cardio training is the most effective for weight loss. Both types of training have their own advantages and can complement each other.

Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which Form of Training is Better for Posture?

Good posture is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also important for health and well-being. Both strength training and cardio training can help achieve better posture.

Strength training aims to specifically strengthen specific muscle groups and therefore provide better support for the entire body. Through targeted training of the back, abdominal and shoulder muscles, you can achieve a more upright posture.

Cardio training, on the other hand, indirectly improves posture by strengthening the cardiovascular system and general fitness. Good endurance capacity allows one to remain in an upright position for long periods of time without showing signs of fatigue.

Overall, it can be said that strength training has a more direct impact on posture. However, cardio exercise can also help achieve better posture by improving overall fitness.

Conclusion: Strength training and cardio – which form of training is more effective?

After looking closely at the different aspects of strength training and cardio training, it can be said that both types of training have their own benefits and should be combined depending on individual goals.

Cardio training is more effective for improving endurance performance as well as increasing calorie consumption during the exercise itself. It is particularly suitable for people who want to improve their cardiovascular health or want to lose weight.

Strength training, on the other hand, is more effective for building muscle and long-term calorie consumption due to the afterburn effect. It is particularly suitable for people who want to increase their muscle mass or strive for better posture.

Overall, however, one should not forget that a balanced mix of different foods and nutrients forms the best basis for a healthy diet. It is important to eat a varied selection of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish and plant-based protein sources. You should also limit your consumption of sugary drinks, high-fat foods and heavily processed products. A balanced diet combined with regular physical activity is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

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