Fit werden ohne Fitnessstudio: So erstellst du den perfekten Trainingsplan für deinen Heimtrainer

Get fit without a gym: How to create the perfect training plan for your exercise bike

Exercise bike white The exercise bike

There are many benefits to exercising at home. It's convenient, inexpensive, and you don't have to worry about gym etiquette. However, to achieve the best results, it is important to have a well-planned training program. In this article, we will explore the benefits of exercising at home and how to create a customized exercise program.

Why an exercise bike is a good alternative to the gym

An exercise bike offers many advantages compared to the gym. The biggest advantage is convenience and accessibility. You can train at any time without having to leave the house. This is especially beneficial for people with busy schedules or those who don't have time to go to the gym.
Another advantage is the cost savings. An exercise bike is a one-time investment, while gym membership requires monthly fees. In the long run, training at home can be much cheaper.
Plus, when you workout at home, you don't have to worry about gym etiquette. You can train at your own pace without having to worry about other people or waiting for equipment.

The advantages of an individual training plan for the exercise bike

A customized training plan is crucial to achieve the best results when training at home. An individual training plan is adapted to your fitness level and your goals. This allows you to perform more efficient and effective workouts.
A customized training plan also allows you to better track your progress. You can document your progress and see how far you have come. This can be very motivating and help you achieve your goals.

The importance of warm-up and cool-down exercises

Warming up before exercise and cooling down afterward are crucial to preventing injury and improving performance. Warming up increases body temperature, improves blood circulation and prepares the body for exercise. Cooling down helps to slowly return the body to rest and reduce muscle soreness.
Some examples of warm-up exercises include jogging in place, jumping jacks, or arm circles. Cool-down exercises can include stretching exercises, light cardio exercises, or relaxation exercises.

Various stretching exercises


  • Stretching your arms in front of your chest: Stand up straight and bring your arms together in front of your chest. Press your palms together and slowly stretch your arms forward. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

  • Stretch your arms to the sides: Extend your arms to your sides and turn your palms down. Slowly push your arms back and hold the position for 30 seconds.

  • Stretching arms behind head: Stand up straight and bring your arms behind your head. Grab the elbows of opposite arms and slowly pull them down. Hold the position for 30 seconds.


  • Quadriceps stretch: Sit on the floor and stretch one leg out in front of you. Take the other leg behind you and wrap it around the outstretched leg. Grab the knee of the outstretched leg and slowly pull it towards you. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

  • Hamstring stretch: Sit on the floor and bend both legs. Grab the foot of one leg and slowly pull it towards you. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Ankle stretch: Stand up straight and place the foot of one leg on the knee of the other leg. Bend forward and grab the toe of your planted foot. Slowly pull your toe towards you. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.


  • Cobra stretch: Lie on your stomach on the floor and extend your arms in front of you. Lift your upper body and head off the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

  • Cat-cow stretch: Sit on your hands and knees. Lift your back up and your head down. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Then bend your back down and your head up. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

  • Back extensor stretch: Stand up straight and place your hands on your hips. Slowly bend backwards and straighten your back. Hold the position for 30 seconds.


  • Shoulder stretch: Sit on the floor and bend one leg. Grab the foot of the bent leg and slowly pull it towards you. Then bend forward and place your head on your knee. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Shoulder stretch: Support yourself with your hands on a wall and sit in a squat position. Bend your body forward and let your head hang. Hold the position for 30 seconds.

pelvic floor

  • Pelvic floor stretch: Sit on the floor and place your feet flat on the floor. Support your arms behind you. Tense your pelvic floor and hold the position for 5 seconds. Then relax the pelvic floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise bike black

Exercises you can do on an exercise bike and how to vary them

There are many different exercises you can do on an exercise bike. Some examples include cycling, rowing, running or climbing stairs. These exercises can be customized depending on your fitness level and goals.
To avoid boredom and plateaus, it is important to vary and progress the exercises. You can increase the intensity by adding resistance or increasing the speed. You can also combine different exercises or try new exercises to keep your workouts interesting and challenging.

Frequency and duration of exercise bike workouts

The recommended frequency and duration of exercise bike workouts depends on your goals and fitness level. In general, it is recommended to exercise at least three to five times per week. The duration of the workouts can be between 30 minutes and an hour.
It's important to adjust your training plan based on your progress. As you progress, you can increase the intensity or duration of your workouts. If you feel overwhelmed or injuries occur, you may want to reduce the intensity or take a rest day.

How to keep exercise bike workouts interesting and challenging

To keep your home gym workouts interesting and challenging, it's important to add variety to your workouts. You can try different exercises, use different interval training methods, or play music or videos while exercising.
You can also set new goals or participate in virtual races or challenges to keep yourself motivated. It is important to have fun training and always take on new challenges.

The importance of rest and rest in home training

Recovery and rest are just as important as the training itself. The body needs time to recover and prepare for the next training session. If you don't get enough rest and recovery, you can overexert yourself and risk injury.
It's important to incorporate rest days into your training schedule and give your body enough time to recover. You can also incorporate other recovery techniques such as stretching, massage, or yoga into your routine to aid your recovery.

Measuring and documenting your progress

Measuring and documenting your progress is crucial to achieving your goals. There are various ways to measure your progress, such as recording weights or repetitions, measuring body measurements, or tracking your performance on certain exercises.
You can also keep a training diary to document your progress and keep track of your goals. This can help you stay motivated and see your progress over time.

Exercise bike white

4 week exercise bike training plan

Here is an example of a 4-week exercise bike training plan:

Week 1:
Monday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 30 minutes of moderate exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Tuesday: Rest day or light activity such as walking or stretching.
Wednesday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 20 minutes of interval training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Thursday: Rest day or activities such as yoga or Pilates.
Friday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 45 minutes of steady exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Saturday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 30 minutes of HIIT training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Closed Sundays.

Week 2:
Monday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 35 minutes of moderate exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Tuesday: Rest day or light activity such as walking or stretching.
Wednesday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 25 minutes of interval training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Thursday: Rest day or activities such as yoga or Pilates.
Friday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 50 minutes of steady exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Saturday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 35 minutes of HIIT training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Closed Sundays.

Week 3:
Monday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 40 minutes of moderate exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Tuesday: Rest day or light activity such as walking or stretching.
Wednesday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 30 minutes of interval training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Thursday: Rest day or activities such as yoga or Pilates.
Friday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 55 minutes of steady exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Saturday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 40 minutes of HIIT training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Closed Sundays.

Week 4:
Monday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 45 minutes of moderate exercise and a 5-minute cool-down.
Tuesday: Rest day or light activity such as walking or stretching.
Wednesday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 35 minutes of interval training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Thursday: Rest day or activities such as yoga or Pilates.
Friday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 60 minutes of steady training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Saturday: 5-minute warm-up on the exercise bike, followed by 45 minutes of HIIT training and a 5-minute cool-down.
Closed Sundays.

You can customize this workout plan based on your fitness level and goals. You can increase the intensity or duration of workouts or add new exercises to make your workouts more challenging.

Exercise bike training plan for beginners

Duration: 30 minutes

Frequency: 3-4 times a week

Goal: Improving general fitness and endurance


  • Place the exercise bike on a firm and flat surface.
  • Set the resistance to a low level.
  • Find a comfortable sitting position.


Warm up (5 minutes)

  • Start with a slow, even pedaling motion.
  • Gradually increase the cadence.
  • Drink enough fluids.

Main part (20 minutes)

  • Maintain a steady pedaling motion.
  • Focus on maintaining an upright posture.
  • Feel your endurance improve.

Cooling down (5 minutes)

  • Reduce resistance and cadence.
  • Continue driving at a calm pace.
  • Stretch your muscles.


Warm up:

  • Start with a cadence of 60 revolutions per minute (rpm).
  • Gradually increase the cadence to 90 rpm.
  • Maintain this cadence for 5 minutes.


  • Maintain a cadence of 80 rpm.
  • Focus on maintaining an upright posture.
  • Breathe evenly and deeply.

Cooling down:

  • Reduce the resistance and cadence to a low level.
  • Continue cycling at an easy pace for 5 minutes.
  • Stretch your leg, glute, and core muscles.


  • You can vary the workout by changing the resistance or cadence.
  • You can also do interval training by alternating short, intense periods with longer, less intense periods.
60-minute exercise bike workout plan for beginners

Duration: 60 minutes

Frequency: 3-4 times a week

Goal: Improving general fitness and endurance


  • Place the exercise bike on a firm and flat surface.
  • Set the resistance to a low level.
  • Find a comfortable sitting position.


Warm up (10 minutes)

  • Start with a slow, even pedaling motion.
  • Gradually increase the cadence.
  • Drink enough fluids.

Interval training (30 minutes)

  • Ride at a moderate pace for 5 minutes.
  • Increase resistance and cadence for 3 minutes.
  • Then ride back at a slower pace for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this sequence 5-8 times.

Cooling down (20 minutes)

  • Reduce resistance and cadence.
  • Continue driving at a calm pace.
  • Stretch your muscles.


Warm up:

  • Start with a cadence of 60 revolutions per minute (rpm).
  • Gradually increase the cadence to 90 rpm.
  • Maintain this cadence for 5 minutes.

Interval training:

  • Ride at a pace of 80 rpm for 5 minutes.

  • Increase resistance and cadence to 100 rpm.

  • Maintain this cadence for 3 minutes.

  • Then ride back at a pace of 60 rpm for 5 minutes.

  • Repeat this sequence 5-8 times.

  • If you feel uncomfortable during interval training, reduce the resistance or cadence.

Cooling down:

  • Reduce the resistance and cadence to a low level.
  • Continue cycling at an easy pace for 20 minutes.
  • Stretch your leg, glute, and core muscles.


  • You can vary the workout by changing the resistance or cadence.
  • You can also try other interval training protocols, such as: E.g.:
    • Pyramid Training: Gradually increase resistance or cadence in 1-2 minute intervals.
    • Tabata workout: Ride at a high pace for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 8 times.

Safety instructions:

  • Listen to your body and stop training if you feel unwell.
  • Drink enough fluids to hydrate yourself.
  • Warm up before training and cool down after training.

Success experiences:

  • You will notice that after a few weeks of training you will become fitter and have more endurance.
  • You will also develop a better body awareness.

Further tips:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
  • Listen to music or an audio book to motivate yourself.
  • Train with a friend to support each other.


Working out at home offers many benefits, such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to go at your own pace. To achieve the best results, it is important to have a well-planned training program. A customized training plan tailored to your goals and fitness level can help you perform more efficient and effective workouts and track your progress. Start your own exercise bike training plan today and achieve your fitness goals.

Heimtrainer Trainingspläne

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