Die 10 häufigsten Fehler im Kraftsport: Tipps, wie du typische Fehler im Training vermeiden kannst, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

The 10 most common mistakes in strength training: Tips on how you can avoid typical mistakes in training to achieve better results.

Strength training group

Strength training is a complex sport that requires a lot of knowledge and experience. It is therefore not surprising that many beginners make common mistakes that can hinder their progress. This article examines the most common mistakes in strength training and gives tips on how you can avoid them.

Mistake #1: Performing the exercises incorrectly

A common mistake in strength training is performing the exercises incorrectly. This can lead to injury and make training ineffective. It's important to learn proper technique and take your time to perform the exercises correctly. Some tips for correctly performing the most important exercises are:

  • When deadlifting, your back should be kept straight and your knees should not extend past your toes.
  • When doing squats, your knees should not fall inward and your back should remain straight.
  • When doing the bench press, the elbow angle should be about 90 degrees and the shoulders should be firmly on the bench.

Mistake #2: Not warming up enough before training

Another common mistake in weight training is neglecting to warm up before training. Warming up is important to prevent injuries and improve performance. An effective warm-up program should consist of dynamic stretching exercises to warm up the muscles and mobilize the joints. Some tips for an effective warm-up program include:

  • Start with light cardio exercises like jogging or cycling to get your heart rate up.
  • Perform dynamic stretches for all major muscle groups to improve flexibility.
  • Do a few light, low-weight sets of the main exercises to prepare the muscles for training.

Mistake #3: Not adequately recovering between workouts

Another common mistake in strength training is neglecting recovery between training sessions. Recovery is important for growing muscles and preventing injuries. It is important to give the body enough time to recover and get enough sleep. Some tips for optimal regeneration are:

  • Plan regular rest days where the body can recover.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep to regenerate your body and allow your muscles to grow.
  • Supplement your diet with protein-rich foods to support muscle building.

Mistake #4: Putting on too much weight and overexerting yourself

A common mistake in strength training is putting on too much weight and overexerting yourself. This can lead to injury and make training ineffective. It is important to choose the right weight and increase slowly. Some tips for choosing the right weight and progression are:

  • Start with a weight you can handle for 8-12 reps without losing technique.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you complete the reps with good technique.
  • Make sure that you still have enough energy during training to carry out the exercises correctly.

Mistake #5: Not eating a balanced diet and hydration

Another common mistake in weight training is neglecting a balanced diet and hydration. Nutrition and hydration are important for making progress and avoiding injury. A balanced diet should consist of foods rich in protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. Some tips for a balanced diet and hydration include:

  • Eat regular meals that are balanced and contain all important nutrients.
  • Drink enough water to stay hydrated and help the body recover.
  • If necessary, supplement your diet with nutritional supplements such as protein shakes or vitamins.

Mistake #6: No variation in training plan

A common mistake in strength training is neglecting variation in the training plan. Variation is important to progress and avoid injury. It is important to regularly change the training plan and introduce new exercises. Some tips for varied training are:

  • Add new exercises to target different muscle groups.
  • Change the order of the exercises to surprise the body and provide new stimuli.
  • Vary the intensity and volume of training to challenge the body.

Mistake #7: Not enough focus on proper breathing during exercise

Another common mistake in strength training is not focusing enough on proper breathing during training. Proper breathing is important to improve performance and avoid injury. It is important to breathe properly and draw air into your stomach during exercise. Some tips for proper breathing during exercise include:

  • Breathe out as you tense your muscles and breathe in as you relax.
  • Draw the air into your stomach and not your chest.
  • Make sure you don't hold your breath while exercising.

Mistake #8: Not accurately planning training goals and progress

A common mistake in strength training is neglecting to plan your training goals and progress precisely. Accurate planning is important to make progress and stay motivated. It's important to set clear goals and check progress regularly. Some tips for effective training planning are:

  • Set realistic goals that are measurable.
  • Break your goals into smaller milestones to better track progress.
  • Check your progress regularly and adjust your training plan accordingly.

Mistake #9: Neglecting stretching and mobility training

Another common mistake in strength training is neglecting stretching exercises and mobility training. Stretching and mobility training are important to prevent injuries and improve performance. It is important to perform stretching exercises regularly to improve mobility of muscles and joints. Some tips for an effective stretching and mobility program include:

  • Perform dynamic stretches before and after exercise to warm up muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Supplement your training with mobility exercises to improve joint mobility.
  • Make time for regular stretching to maintain muscle flexibility.

Mistake #10: Lack of motivation and perseverance

A common mistake in strength training is a lack of motivation and stamina. Motivation and perseverance are important to achieve long-term progress. It's important to set goals and regularly remind yourself why you started lifting. Some tips for long-term motivation and perseverance include:

  • Find training partners or a training group to motivate each other.
  • Reward yourself for achieving goals to maintain motivation.
  • Set new goals regularly to stay motivated.

Conclusion: How you can achieve better results by avoiding the most common mistakes in strength training

In summary, there are many common mistakes in strength training that can hinder progress. By avoiding these mistakes and following the right tips and recommendations, you can achieve better results. It is important to learn how to perform the exercises correctly, to warm up sufficiently, to plan enough time for regeneration, to choose the right weight, to have a balanced diet and fluid intake, to make the training plan varied, to pay attention to correct breathing, to set the training goals to plan carefully, not to neglect stretching exercises and mobility training and to have long-term motivation and stamina. By following these tips, you can improve your strength training performance and achieve better results.


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