Rudergerät Test: So verbessert das Training deine Fitness

Rowing machine test: This is how training improves your fitness

Rowing machine test

If you still need help deciding which rowing machine is right for you, then take our rowing machine test now!

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The rowing machine is a popular piece of fitness equipment that offers many benefits. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of the rowing machine and cover various aspects of exercising on a rowing machine. We will explain how a rowing machine works, which muscle groups are trained when rowing and how to make training on a rowing machine effective. We will also look at different types of rowing machines and give tips on how to vary your training.

What is a rowing machine and how does it work?

A rowing machine is a piece of fitness equipment designed to mimic the motion of rowing on a boat. It consists of various parts, including a seat, a rail that the seat slides along, a handle that you pull, and a resistance system that creates resistance when rowing.

The movement on a rowing machine is similar to the movement of rowing on a boat. You sit on the seat and pull the handle towards you while stretching your legs. Then lean back and pull the handle further towards you while bending your legs. This movement is repeated to create a continuous rowing motion.

Why is training on a rowing machine so effective?

Exercising on a rowing machine is particularly effective for several reasons. Firstly, rowing is a joint-friendly form of endurance training. Unlike running or jumping, rowing doesn't put as much strain on the joints because the body slides on the seat and the resistance is evenly distributed throughout the body.

Second, rowing trains multiple muscle groups at the same time. Rowing puts strain on your legs, torso, back and arms. This makes training on a rowing machine an efficient full-body workout. By activating so many muscle groups at once, you burn more calories and improve overall body strength and endurance.

Which muscle groups are trained when rowing?

Rowing trains many muscle groups. The main muscle groups used in rowing are the legs, core, back and arms.

The legs are particularly active when rowing because they generate most of the power. When the handle is pulled back, the legs push against the resistance and provide propulsion.

The core, especially the abdominal muscles, are also heavily involved in keeping the body stable and ensuring good posture during rowing.

The back is also put under a lot of strain when rowing, as it is responsible for maintaining an upright posture and stabilizing the upper body.

The arms are responsible for pulling on the handle and are activated when the handle is pulled back.

Exercising on a rowing machine can also lead to improved posture and overall strengthened muscles.

How long should you exercise on a rowing machine to see results?

The duration of training on a rowing machine depends on various factors, including individual fitness level and training goals. However, it is important to exercise regularly and gradually increase intensity to see results.

For beginners, it may make sense to start with short training sessions, for example 10-15 minutes per day. Over time, the duration of exercise can be gradually increased until you are exercising 30-45 minutes per day.

It's also important to vary the intensity of your workout to make progress. This can be achieved by adding interval training or increasing the resistance on the rowing machine.

What mistakes should you avoid when rowing?

When rowing, it's important to use proper form and technique to avoid injury and make your workout effective. A common mistake when rowing is to bend forward and round your back. This can lead to back pain and reduce the effectiveness of training. Instead, make sure you maintain an upright posture and keep your back straight.

Another mistake is using too much strength from your arms. When rowing, most of the power should come from your legs, while your arms and upper body provide support. Using too much arm strength can lead to overuse and injury.

It is also important to perform the movement evenly and in a controlled manner rather than making jerky movements. This helps prevent injuries and makes training more effective.

What types of rowing machines are there and which ones are best for home use?

There are different types of rowing machines including air, water and magnetic resistance. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for different needs.

Air resistance rowing machines are the most common type of rowing machine and provide a smooth and realistic rowing motion. They are also relatively affordable and space-saving, making them ideal for home use.

Water resistance rowing machines use water as resistance and offer a particularly natural rowing movement. However, they are typically more expensive and take up more space.

Magnetic resistance rowing machines use magnets to create resistance. They provide a smooth and consistent rowing motion, but may not be as sturdy as air or water resistance rowing machines.

Choosing the right rowing machine depends on individual needs and preferences. For home use, air or magnetic resistance rowing machines are usually the best choice due to their compactness and ease of use.

How can you make training on the rowing machine more varied?

There are various options for making training on the rowing machine varied. One option is to introduce interval training, which combines short, intense intervals with short recovery periods. This can improve cardiovascular fitness and increase calorie burn.

Another option is to vary the resistance on the rowing machine. By increasing the resistance, you can increase the intensity of your workout and put more strain on your muscles.

You can also integrate other exercises into your training on the rowing machine, such as squats or push-ups. This can add variety to training and target additional muscle groups.

How can you incorporate rowing into a total body workout?

Rowing can be used as part of a total body workout by incorporating it into a circuit or combining it with other exercises. For example, you can do a round of rowing, followed by squats and push-ups. This ensures that the entire body is trained and different muscle groups are used.

Rowing can be used for both strength training and endurance training. By increasing the resistance and increasing the pace, you can turn rowing into an intense cardiovascular workout. By varying the weight and repetitions, you can turn rowing into a strength workout.

How can you use rowing to improve endurance?

Rowing can be used to improve endurance in a variety of ways. One option is to use rowing as continuous endurance training, where you row at a moderate intensity for a longer period of time. This can improve aerobic endurance and increase calorie expenditure.

Another option is to use rowing as part of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This involves alternating between short, intense intervals and short recovery phases. This can improve anaerobic endurance and boost metabolism.

It is important to gradually increase the duration and intensity of exercise to improve endurance and avoid injury.


Exercising on a rowing machine offers many fitness benefits. It is a joint-friendly form of endurance training that uses several muscle groups at the same time. Through regular training and the right technique you can improve strength, endurance and posture.

There are different types of rowing machines suitable for home use and different ways to mix up your workout. By incorporating rowing into a full-body workout and gradually increasing the intensity, you can improve endurance and achieve better results.

Rowing machine test

The rowing machine test can help you choose the right rowing machine for your individual needs. Take our rowing machine test now!

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