Dauermethode: Wie bringst du deine Ausdauer auf das nächste Level?

Duration method: How do you take your endurance to the next level?

The continuous method is a training method that is particularly suitable for endurance sports and offers numerous advantages. In this article we will take a closer look at the permanent method and discuss its effects on your body and its possible uses.


  • The continuous method is a training method to improve endurance.
  • It works through continuous stress over a longer period of time.
  • Advantages of the long-term method include increased oxygen intake and greater fat burning.
  • The continuous method should be trained regularly, but not exclusively.
  • Mistakes with the continuous method include too high an intensity and too little variety in the training.

What is the permanent method?

The continuous method is a training method that involves maintaining a moderate intensity over a longer period of time. In contrast to intensive interval training or high-intensity exercise, the continuous method aims to improve your endurance performance by accustoming your body to longer periods of exercise. This is done through continuous exercise at a moderate intensity maintained over a long period of time.

How does the permanent method work?

The continuous method has a physiological effect on your body by strengthening your cardiovascular system and improving oxygen uptake. Exercising at a moderate intensity range encourages your body to transport and use oxygen more efficiently. This leads to better endurance performance and increased fat burning.

What advantages does the continuous method offer for your endurance?

Advantages of the continuous method for your endurance:

  • Improves aerobic endurance
  • Increases fat burning
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Improves oxygen absorption and utilization
  • Increases physical resilience
  • Improves recovery after training

The continuous method offers numerous advantages for improving your endurance. Exercising at a moderate intensity range encourages your body to increase its aerobic capacity. This means your body is better able to use oxygen and produce energy more efficiently. This can improve your endurance performance, which is particularly beneficial for endurance sports such as running, cycling or swimming.

How often should you train with the continuous method?

The frequency of training with the continuous method depends on various factors, such as your individual fitness level and your training goals. In general, it is recommended to train using the continuous method at least three to four times per week for optimal results. However, it is important to listen to your own body and plan sufficient recovery periods to avoid overload.

Which sports are suitable for the continuous method?

The continuous method can be used in various sports that require continuous movement over a long period of time. These include, for example, running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing or rowing. It's important to choose a sport that you enjoy and suits your individual preferences to maintain motivation.

How long should a continuous method session last?

The duration of a continuous method session depends on various factors, such as your individual fitness level and your training goals. In general, it is recommended to exercise for at least 30 minutes to an hour using the continuous method to achieve the desired effects. However, it is important to gradually increase the duration of exercise to get your body used to longer periods of exercise.

How can you increase the intensity of the continuous method?

To increase the intensity of the continuous method, you can use various methods. One option is to gradually increase the duration of your workout. Another option is to increase the speed or resistance. It is important to increase the intensity slowly and in a controlled manner to avoid injury or overuse.

How can you integrate the continuous method into your training program?

The continuous method can be incorporated into your training program through regular sessions. It is important to plan sufficient time for recovery and regeneration in order to avoid overload. The continuous method can be used as the main part of training or as a supplement to other training methods to improve your endurance performance.

What mistakes should you avoid when using the permanent method?

When using the permanent method, there are some mistakes that should be avoided. A common mistake is to set the intensity too high and overload your body. It's important to increase the intensity slowly and listen to your own body. Another mistake is to use the continuous method as the sole training method without incorporating other training methods. It is important to create a balanced training program that includes different training methods.

How long does it take to see progress with the permanent method?

The time it takes to see progress with the continuous method depends on various factors, such as your individual fitness level and training goals. As a rule, however, you can notice the first improvements in endurance performance after a few weeks of regular training. It is important to be patient and train continuously to achieve long-term progress.


The continuous method is an effective training method for improving endurance performance. Continuous exercise at moderate intensity encourages your body to increase its aerobic capacity and use oxygen more efficiently. The continuous method can be used in various sports and should be regularly integrated into your training program. Optimum results can be achieved by gradually increasing the intensity and allowing sufficient recovery periods.


What is the permanent method?

The continuous method is a training method to improve endurance. An even load is maintained over a longer period of time.

How does the permanent method work?

With the continuous method, a load is selected that can be maintained over a longer period of time. The pace should be chosen so that it is possible to maintain the load over a longer period of time.

What are the advantages of the permanent method?

The continuous method improves endurance and the body's ability to use oxygen more effectively. It can also help strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve metabolism.

How often should you train the continuous method?

The frequency of training depends on individual goals and fitness level. As a rule, it is recommended to train the continuous method two to three times a week.

How long should a training session last using the continuous method?

The duration of the training session depends on the individual goals and fitness level. It is usually recommended to do a training session of 30 to 60 minutes.

Which sports are suitable for the continuous method?

The continuous method can be used in many sports, such as running, cycling, swimming or rowing.

How can you increase the intensity of the continuous method?

The intensity can be increased by increasing the load or increasing the pace. Interval training can also be a way to increase intensity.

Trainingsmethoden WIKI

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