Fitnesstrend HIIT: Was ist das?

Fitness trend HIIT: What is it?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short) – i.e. high-intensity interval training – is becoming increasingly popular and is considered a time-saving and particularly efficient workout.

5 tips for high intensity interval training HIIT with SportPlus

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short) – high-intensity interval training – is becoming increasingly popular and is considered a time-saving and particularly efficient workout. Unlike classic fitness training, in which the load remains at a similar level throughout, HIIT alternates phases of stress and relaxation.

The concept is quickly explained: During the stress phases, you exhaust yourself completely and train to the limit. Then you have a short rest period in which the stress is reduced to a moderate level.

The Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training:

  • intensive workouts with little time expenditure
  • Endurance, cardio & strength training in combination
  • rapid progress provides additional motivation

The fitter you get, the more you can intensify your training. You can adjust the following adjustments to make the workout even more demanding:

  • Extend high-intensity intervals
  • Shorten recovery periods
  • Increase exercise intensity in the high-intensity intervals
  • Increase exercise intensity in the recovery phase

We'll now take a look at 5 HIIT tips that will help you get even more out of every session!

Keep an eye on your pulse

– Tip 1 –

Your heart rate is the most important indicator of your level of exertion. The maximum maximum heart rate is around “220 minus age”. A 50-year-old should under no circumstances have a pulse exceeding 170 beats.

With HIIT you like to train at 90% of your maximum heart rate. You can keep an eye on the area in which you are currently moving using a chest strap or activity tracker.

Variable training

– Tip 2 –

Always present your body with new challenges. Train alternately with 80% and 40% load, then again with 90% and 20% load. As a rule of thumb, the intensive phase should last about twice as long as the recovery phase. But you can also vary this to add even more variety. In the beginning, you may want to extend the amount of time you take a break if you get out of breath too quickly.

The right exercises

– Tip 3 –

Increased runs or interval runs while jogging are a simple example of HIIT. But you can also tackle this high-intensity workout at home. Exercises with your own body weight (e.g. push-ups) are also suitable for this. Here you can also combine different exercises to train as holistically as possible.

A particularly suitable fitness device for HIIT the air bike . Here the resistance adjusts automatically so that you can really exert yourself in just a few minutes. The same applies to Rowing machines with air or water resistance. In principle, you can perform HIIT on any endurance training device.

Never switch off completely during the break

– Tip 4 –

As you recover, your heart rate should be brought down. Ideally, you don't stop moving completely during this phase. This keeps the muscles ready and your circulation doesn't get confused.

Only in a special form of HIIT – the so-called Tabata training – do high-intensity intervals alternate with phases of absolute relaxation. But such a workout only takes 4 minutes.

Listen to your own body

– Tip 5 –

It's fun to really let off steam. But you still shouldn't expose yourself to unnecessary risk. If you notice that you are feeling dizzy or even nauseous, you should stop the workout immediately. It's best to slowly approach the level that suits your fitness level.

Start your first HIIT workout now

We hope you have fun discovering HIIT for yourself. If you are still looking for the right fitness equipment, you will of course always find it with us.

In addition, we are always open to your suggestions. Is there a tip you would definitely like to share with the SportPlus community? Then please write it here in the comments!

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