Vegan ernähren & Sport treiben: Passt das zusammen?

Eating vegan & exercising: does that go together?

Vegan sports training

The vegan diet is becoming increasingly popular and is no longer considered unusual. But there is one topic where prejudices and limitations of purely plant-based diets collide: sport and veganism. Is that possible?

Don't vegans automatically risk poorer nutrient supply and therefore poorer performance compared to athletes who at least consume dairy products and eggs?

We'll take a closer look at the connections, but one thing is certain: exercise and vegan nutrition go together!

The protein supply for vegans

Let's go straight to the most important point that speaks against the vegan diet from a general point of view: the protein supply. Meat eaters get protein directly from several sources such as chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians can still use eggs and dairy products.

But things get a little more complicated for vegans, as the human body has a harder time digesting and processing plant protein. Fortunately, there are enough plant-based protein sources that are recommended and are also suitable for vegan athletes.

There are many products that vegan athletes should know about!

Tofu, tempeh and soy drinks in particular are easier to digest protein sources for vegans. Quinoa, legumes, wheat germ, soy products as well as nuts and seeds are a good option and provide more variety as part of a plant-based diet.

Especially if you want to build muscle, vegans should do this and always supplement their meals with plant-based protein. Of course, there are also vegan protein powders, but it is always better to stick to a diet that is as natural as possible.

The amount of calories is very important, as a surplus of calories is required to build muscle . Many vegans tend to consume too few calories and should therefore pay particular attention to this point.

Nutrient supply: It's not always easy for vegans

The supply of protein and a sufficient amount of calories sometimes pose problems for vegan athletes. As explained above, these difficulties can be easily overcome with a good combination of foods.

The difficulties are often issues that are particularly problematic in the mind, as it primarily involves turning to other protein sources.

Are there any benefits of a purely plant-based diet when exercising?

An exciting point at this point is whether there are advantages when a plant-based diet is combined with exercise. These actually exist! The plant-based diet scores particularly well when it comes to carbohydrate supply and unsaturated fatty acids.

Those who eat meat often rely on animal sources for better satiety. On the other hand, those who eat a vegan diet usually consume more carbohydrates, which ensure long-lasting performance. Grains, vegetables and fruit ensure this without any problems.

Fruit and vegetables as vitality bombs for sports enthusiasts?

Probably the most important point in favor of a plant-based diet is the strong focus on fruits and vegetables. As a result, vegans eat a more balanced diet, consume a lot of vitamins and minerals and get more important unsaturated fatty acids.

The portions of fruit and vegetables are not large enough for many meat eaters, but they are for vegans. The strong focus on a healthy diet with lots of experiments with the dishes so that it doesn't get boring also ensures a good supply of nutrients as part of a plant-based diet. What is particularly noticeable in professional endurance sports is that vegans do very well and do not have to fear any disadvantage.

However, vegans have not yet become very popular in weight training , as the focus here is also on men and there are still many prejudices against plant-based nutrition.

It is also a fact that significantly more women than men have turned to a vegan diet: around 70 percent of vegans are female and so far only around 30 percent of vegans are male. Overall, however, the numbers are increasing significantly.

Conclusion: Vegan nutrition and exercise are not mutually exclusive

In summary, it can be said that the opinion that vegan nutrition and exercise do not go together is now outdated. Too many top athletes have proven that it is possible to exercise at a high level without any problems, even with a vegan diet. What is certainly interesting is that this not only applies to endurance athletes, but is also used in strength training.

One of the most famous vegan athletes is Patrik Baboumian , who won the title of strongest man in the world in 2011. But the tennis star Venus Williams also lives vegan and is clearly one of the most famous athletes in the tennis world. Dirk Nowitzki also followed a vegan diet during his active career.

But we don't want to withhold from you that it is important to take a look at the individual meals and nutrients, especially when combining a vegan diet and exercise. Otherwise, a shortage of important nutrients can quickly occur. But this also happens to athletes who eat meat if they don't pay attention to their diet!

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