Welcher Heimtrainer passt zu mir?

Which exercise bike is right for me?

Riding a bike is fun and keeps you fit! But it's easy to get caught in a downpour or storm that really throws a spanner in the works. Here we come our exercise bikes They are perfect because they can withstand wind and weather because you can train on them in a relaxed manner in your own four walls.

As you may have already seen, we have devices in different categories, each with slightly different features. Below we take a closer look at the different types of exercise bikes and explain the advantages of each model.

Exercise bike or ergometer – what’s the difference?

If you look at our range, you will notice that some devices have the addition “ergometer”. This is also the case with other fitness equipment in our shop (e.g. cross trainers or rowing machines).

You can remember: Every exercise bike is an exercise bike, but not every exercise bike is an exercise bike. The difference is that the resistance on an ergometer is controlled by the computer and is usually given in watts. Normal exercise bikes typically have a knob for manually adjusting the resistance.

In any case, the term “exercise bike” is a bit unclear for some people. Some people include all home fitness equipment in the category of exercise bikes, which is actually not correct. An exercise bike is a piece of fitness equipment that is powered by pedals.

So these include:

  • Fitness bikes
  • Indoor speed bikes
  • Recumbent exercise bike
  • Air Bikes

These are our fitness bikes

On one Fitness bike (i.e. the classic exercise bike) you train in a relatively upright position. Above all, your leg muscles are stressed. The height of the saddle should be adjusted so that your legs are bent at a maximum angle of around 90 degrees while you train on it.

If you have little space available, you can choose our foldable S and X bikes or you can choose our mini leg trainer, which can fit under your desk even in the office.

These are our indoor speed bikes

The seating position on ours Indoor speed bikes is comparable to that on a racing bike. You are clearly leaning forward instead of sitting upright on the device. This also changes the muscular strain. In addition to the leg muscles, the back and stomach are also put under more strain.

You can choose between a model with brake shoes and the even quieter version with an eddy current brake. The advantage of the eddy current brake is that it is controlled by the computer and therefore allows resistance to be adjusted in watts (50 levels, max. 500 watts).

These are our recumbent exercise bikes

Ours offer a very comfortable and joint-friendly workout Recumbent exercise bike . Contrary to what the name suggests, you don't actually lie on it, but rather assume a sitting position slightly tilted backwards.

This makes getting on and off the bike very easy and the movements can be carried out smoothly, ensuring dynamic training. Recumbent exercise bikes have proven particularly useful in rehabilitation sports or for seniors. In principle, anyone who wants to train particularly comfortably can choose such a device.

These are our air bikes

The so-called Air or fan bikes are an innovation in the family of exercise bikes. It is a combination of cross trainer and fitness bike, as the drive is generated via both the pedals and the handles. This ensures a holistic workout.

Another special feature that gives this device its name is the large wind turbine in the front part. During training, this creates air resistance, which ensures that the intensity adjusts automatically. This means you will always be challenged in exactly the right way.

SportPlus exercise bike comparison: The big overview

In the following table you will find all of our different models and can compare them with each other based on various criteria.

Type of device Sitting position Which muscles? particularities
Fitness bike (exercise bike) upright especially leg muscles simple and effective training

Foldable exercise bikes and mini leg trainers available
Indoor speed bike tilted forward Leg, abdominal and back muscles for a realistic racing bike feeling
Recumbent exercise bike tilted backwards Abdominal and leg muscles particularly gentle on the joints

comfortable ascent and descent
Air Bike upright holistic workout (including arms, legs, shoulders, stomach, etc.) Combination of cross and exercise bike

Resistance regulates itself automatically

Tip : We also have a lot of accessories to match our exercise bikes. Our floor protection mats are particularly popular, as they protect the surface from scratches and make the devices even quieter. We can also recommend purchasing an activity tracker or chest strap.

Fitness Heimtrainer Produktberatung

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