
Balance board with side handles

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44,99 € 44,99 €

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perfect for the office or at home

Strength & balance training

easy to stow away

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The balance board with side handles SP-BB-001

The SportPlus balance board is a true classic. It is one of the most effective training methods for at home or in the gym.

Because balance makes the difference

Training at your feet

Fast and cheap ways to achieve your training goals still sound like bad advertising to you?

We want to prove you wrong and have the perfect solution for it.

In order to achieve the best results in the long term, the balance between strength and endurance is of great importance.

Endless training options

Maximum security

Are you just starting out or are you already a sports professional and wondering how useful a balance board is for you?

Then we can reassure you.

It doesn't matter whether it's muscle building, improving fitness, or supplementing rehabilitation.

Thanks to its many possible uses, the balance board can be the perfect addition to any workout!

The simple application allows you to train almost all muscle groups in a targeted but simple manner. So that you can achieve a lot even in a small space.

Convince yourself!

It depends on the stop

High quality

Because a secure footing is the mainstay of every training session, you benefit from an innovative anti-slip surface on this balance board.

And so that you can enjoy your new balance board for a long time to come, we place the highest priority on clean, high-quality workmanship.

On your marks...

Stored to save space

Thanks to its wide range of possible uses, the Balance Board from SportPlus is a real all-rounder.

Perfect for any workout, it's easy to learn and super effective.

Thanks to its compact size, you can easily stow the balance board away after training and have nothing standing in the way.